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Team factor

К игре
Вокруг игр
Разработчик 7FX

addbox2.jpg (10937 байтов)

Издатель Singularity Software
Жанр 3D Action
Похожие игры  

Патч / European v 1.2





46.0 Mb


версия 1.2 европейская

Team Factor by 7FX - European retail v1.2 patch

The Patch #03 is ready. You need to have the previous patch 1.1 installed. In
case you install it, please, disregard the "new version available" message
until we upgrade the master server.

List of Patch #03 features:

- walk/run animation stops when the character hits an obstacle
- new death animations in confined room
- new descriptions of kills/deaths (English version only)
- server-side movement interpolation
- enhanced view angles for looking down/up
- teammate/opponent view when dead (Home/End)
- weaponry accessible on every re-spawn
- controls setup accessible withing the game
- colored texts in the communication HUD
- mesh deformation optimization
- objects destruction in more maps
- only servers with the same version as client are listed
- fixed: some bugs regarding collision detection
- fixed: M203 won't reload when prone
- fixed: immortal player bug
- fixed: id-tags' background remaining on the left of screen
- fixed: kills after death ascribed to an unnamed player
- fixed: alpha sorting for moving cloud planes bug
Team factor     Team factor   Team factor   Team factor   Team factor    Team factor     Team factor   Team factor   Team factor   Team factor    Team factor     Team factor   Team factor   Team factor   Team factor   


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