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Team factor

К игре
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Разработчик 7FX addbox2.jpg (10937 байтов)
Издатель Singularity Software
Жанр 3D Action
Похожие игры  

Патч / Patch v 1.2





94 Mb


версия 1.2

The new patch #02 is here! It will upgrade the European game to the version 1.1. This is a multilingual patch, however, the Russian and Italian language will be added next week due to translation delay.
List of Patch #02 features:
objects destruction
new strafe animation system
tracer ammo
noticeable character hits
enhanced scores screen
female models/skins available
fixed missing skins selection
scroll up/down for zoom on/out
default bot setup for single-player
bigger dots on the radar
improved gunfire sprites
better second intro
corpses fall through walls
dedicated server in LAN mode
fixed bots kick on restart
gunfire lighting, generic light sources (lamps..)
generic moving objects (rotating radar, shivering bush)
visual validator of respawn time setting
bomb must still be defused even though one team eliminated the other two
and lots of bugs fixed
Please note: Due to the master server setup, you will recieve a note saying "new version available." Please, ignore this message! The master server will be swapped next week; then appearing of this message will cease.

Thank You and enjoy!
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