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Super Power

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36.34 Мб


patch версия1.3

Installation instructions: 

  1. Click on the link above to download the update.
  2. When prompted to, save the update to your hard disk.
  3. Once the file is downloaded, extract the file content to your SuperPower game folder overwriting all existing files. If you installed the game using the default settings, it should be in the C:\Program Files\Dreamcatcher\Superpower folder.

    In some cases, you might get an error message telling that the Superpower.exe file couldn't be overwitten. If that is the case, simply manually delete Superpower.exe from the game's folder and extract the patch content again.

  4. Once you finish extracting the files, run the game and check the game's bootup screen to confirm you are now running SuperPower v1.2.2. If another version number appears, the patch wasn't installed properly. Get back to step 2 and make sure the files are extracted to the game's root folder and that SuperPower.exe is overwritten.

Version 1.3 modifications

Tutorial crashes fixed
Updated the MAIN.DAT file with numerous fixes (see below)
SS failed actions are listed in the end turn report
New bases no longer have demographic and resource buildings
Denied friendly moves don't go to destination if on Quick Resolve All
AI doesn't buy the same technology over and over anymore
International Monetary Fund demands are all printed with results in the newsflash at the end of the turn
Changed the way the CD player recognizes music CDs
Fixed inconsistencies in End Turn battle result messages concerning rebels
Army deserters are printed in the End Turn production report
Changed the way the resources behave in countries conquered or unofficially controlled by the player
Numerous other fixes and tweaks

Super Power    Super Power   Super Power   Super Power   Super Power   Super Power   Super Power   Super Power   Super Power  Super Power   Super Power   Super Power   Super Power   Super  Power



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