Star Trek Starfleet Command(R) : Orion Pirates(TM)
Release version Readme File
14 March 2003
01 Table of Contents
01 Table of Contents
02 Patch Changes
03 Installation Instructions
04 System Requirements
05 Copy Protection
06 Manual
07 Default HotKey List
08 Taunts
09 Known Issues
10 Trouble Shooting
11 Bonus Files
12 Technical Support
13 Technical Support (UK)
14 Technical Support (Germany)
15 Legal Stuff
02 Patch fixes in by the KhoroMag patching team: James King and Dutch
Blomenkamp and Taldren
1)Fast Repair Bug fixed; all repairable hardpoint slots must be at 50% health
to operate.
2)Fixed repair time of multiple slot hardpoints to match the number of weapons
in them.
3)Fighter control icons will no longer disappear unexpectedly.
4)Direct-fire fighter weapons are now ready to fire first shot after 8
impulses, and can fire one shot per turn after that (except disruptors which
are 2 shots per turn).
5)Heavy PF weapons are now ready to fire after 8 impulses, and follow regular
charging rules after that.
6)Fighter minimum speed set to 20.
7)Shield reinforcement is no longer applied to downed shields when taking
8)Dynaverse 2 patrol missions no longer award a win to players who disengage.
9)Spare parts standard and maximum values in Dynaverse 2 space dock fixed.
10)Saved game difficulty is now enforced when reading in a single-player
11)Unfinished repairs are now completed automatically at the end of a mission.
12)Some battles (AI) were happening where a empire would attack a cartel and
vice versa - fixed.
13)Unused shuttles are now converted back to admin shuttles at the end of a
mission, including recovery of resources used to create them.
14)Damage to the damage control system no longer affects repair times, since
damage control itself is an unrepairable system.
15)Multiplayer (GameSpy/Dyna) networking tuned; effects of lag may be reduced.
16)Hellbore charging cost reduced to 2.5/turn, holding cost is also 2.5.
17)Volley cycle (mizia) interval changed from 1/20 turn to 1/32 turn [true
18)Overlapping PPD shots no longer cause too many volley cycles (mizia).
19)Plasma I defensive firing made smarter (like Plasma D in last patch).
20)Proximity photon to-hit table change: 83%/67%/33%.
21)Phaser-G hardpoint charging status indicator fixed.
22)Phaser-G multiple-slot hardpoints can now fire all shots.
23)Phaser-G point defense fixed to count shots correctly.
24)Phaser-G now honors shift-Z "fire all" command.
25)Phaser-G can now be fired if there is just 0.25 energy in the capacitor
(previously 1.00 was required but it only used 0.25).
26)Phaser capacitor no longer loses charge when a phaser slot is destroyed.
27)Phaser slots that are destroyed now recycle their ready state.
28)Phaser point defense no longer shoots as Plasma D.
29)Plasma D, Plasma I, phaser point defense, and ADD systems will no longer
waste shots on dead things that just haven't disappeared yet.
30)Plasma D and Plasma I will no longer waste multiple shots at the same
31)Plasma D reload time increased from 1 turn to 1.33 turns.
32)User-made plasma race ships with ADD hardpoints now fire ADD rounds instead
of Plasma D shots from the ADD hardpoint.
33)Plasma D and ADD hardpoints now correctly show offline state in display.
34)Shotgun plasma capacity now based on current setting of weapon, not the
hardpoint type.
35)Shotgun plasma no longer wastes unnecessary shots on fighter groups.
36)Shotgun plasma no longer fires more than one plasma at a regular ship.
37)If ADD shot at a shuttle, it would only shoot once then completely disable
itself vs. the shuttle.
38)ADD damage versus shuttles and fighters was incorrect; [0..5] fixed to
39)ADD12 reload time is now 2 turns instead of 1.
40)HET attempt during EM lowers success rate by 16%.
41)EM and WW launch now void any active ESG field.
42)ESG now delivers correct damage to kill fighters (previously some ESG energy
was wasted).
43)Single fighter group no longer drops multiple ESG rings unless energy
expenditure warrants it.
44)Mine detonation on ESG ring when user changed radius UI control fixed.
45)Hydran UI for ESG panel (multiplayer only) fixed (buttons were messed up).
46)ESG radius indicator is no longer drawn if the ESG cannot fire (destroyed
47)ESG capacitor and hardpoint now lose charge/ready state when destroyed.
48)ESG field that is 'warming up' will no longer cause drones to miss a Lyran
49)Cloak can no longer be engaged while being tractored.
50)Tractor lock on a cloaked ship negates the range doubling effect.
51)Switching from hold to repel now drops tractor hold.
52)Switching from hold to repel, or repel to hold now resets tractor capacitor.
53)When the tractor system is destroyed it will no longer charge holding cost
because the capacitor is emptied automatically..
54)Speed 11 changed from 5 seconds/turn to 10 seconds/turn.
55)Assault shuttles now require 4 marines to create, and subtract none on
56)Removed debug code that wrote to "EWdump.txt" on every single phaser fire.
57)Plasma holding costs reduced as follows (first number is normal, second is
eneveloping) R(4/5), S(2/4), G (1/2.5).
58)Shield regeneration due to labs, lowered slightly.
59)BPV adjusted upward for Missile G ships.
60)Escort ships received a BPV increase.
61)Docking "weak" fighters will no longer transform them into stronger variety
(i.e. Hornet.I magically becoming Wasp.III)
62)Launching fighters now voids WW.
63)Disengaging in Dynaverse assault missions (Planety, starbase, etc.) gives
leaving player a defeat.
64)ESG vs Hellbore interaction re-added.
65)Mauler can be destroyed - fixed (note effectiveness can still be degraded by
destroying batteries)
66)Unable to removed last engine drain effect from Plasma Snare hit - fixed.
67)Battlefest, and other fest's with the exception of Tourneyfest ignore Era
setting - fixed.
68)(Scripting) Location Who flag always returns Federation - fixed.
69)All races may now can have either AMD or Plasma D.
70)TR beam always does 20 points - fixed. (also broke out into TRBL and TRBH).
71)Increased the number of ships per class from 64 to 128.
72)Some races are able to adjust the game speed in Dyna - fixed.
73)Patrol mission not returning proper results - fixed (thanks to
NuclearWessels and FireSoul).
02 Patch fixes in by the KhoroMag patching team: James King and Dutch
1) Damage allocation fixed.
2) Added option to allow game host to specify hidden race and/or BPV in
multiplayer ship select screen.
3) Weapon hardpoint user interface enhanced to show individual slot status.
4) Destroyed hardpoint slots now lose their charge and cannot hold a charge.
5) Mines now detonate if your actual speed is fast enough to trigger them.
6) Mines now arm instantly if the ship that dropped them is destroyed.
7) AMD now correctly does 1d6 damage against weapon-type shuttles (SS, SP, WW,
8) AMD12 repair cost lowered to 4 (SFB value).
9) EM in a multiplayer game now properly updates attack shift on all
10) EM voice no longer plays if user cancels EM countdown.
11) ECM now affects seeking weapons properly.
12) Fighters can no longer dock with their mothership if they are being held in
a tractor lock.
13) Fighters no longer receive disruptor feedback at Range 0.
14) Fighter fusion corrected - can no longer fire at Range 3 (2.99 max).
15) Fighter photon corrected - can no longer fire at Range 5 (4.99 max).
16) Fighters now carry the correct number of missiles based on the ftrlist.txt
17) Suicide shuttle launch now properly voids a wild weasel.
18) Double-clicking to make multiple shuttles of the same type simultaneously
is prohibited.
19) Shuttle conversions no longer remain on-screen when the 'd' key is used to
slide panel away.
20) WW launch now properly updates the attack shift on all computers.
21) WW corrected to generate 6 ECM (was 12).
22) WW speed has been reduced to 6 (was 12).
23) Defensive shift now shows proper value when a WW is valid.
24) Defensive tractor hotkey now works properly when tractor system is damaged.
25) Ship explosions corrected: Damage < 10 is Range 0, otherwise explosion is
Range 1.
26) Film filename longer than 70 characters no longer causes a crash in the
film room.
27) Ships with 32 or 64 marines no longer mysteriously lose a marine 7 seconds
into the simulation.
28) Each PPD pulse is now a separate volley.
29) PPD stops firing if target moves out of firing range.
30) Damage for each PPD pulse is now calculated when the pulse hits, not when
the user fired it.
31) PPD damage versus fighter groups has been fixed.
32) Missile racks no longer lose a missile at startup.
33) Space dock now works correctly with missile racks having more than one
standard reload (like DroG-2).
34) Missiles cannot slip past an active Radius 0 ESG at high speeds any more.
35) ESG now triggers active mines to explode. ESG absorbs what it can,
remainder hits ship.
36) ESG no longer does more damage than its maximum when firing up and targets
are in the radius.
37) ESG no longer hits ships on your team that were captured from other teams.
38) ESG power request corrected for multiple ESG hardpoints.
39) ESG ring radius corrected to be consistent with other direct-fire weapons.
40) ESG ring is now drawn at the exact outer edge of the damage radius.
41) ESG ring is now drawn at the correct size on all computers in multiplayer
and film playbacks.
42) ESG field now drops if the hardpoint is destroyed.
43) ESG now hits enemy Wild Weasels and Probes in the ring.
44) Shield reinforcement effect on enveloping plasma and hellbore feedback
45) Phaser damage against incoming plasma has been corrected.
46) Plasma D auto-firing mechanism will no longer fire more than one Plasma D
at a time at an incoming target.
47) Plasma D launcher firing rate increased.
48) Normal hellbores no longer do any feedback damage (no myopic zone in SFB).
49) Overloaded hellbore feedback damage now only occurs if the weapon hits its
50) Films from previous versions cannot be played with
51) Various HET Breakdown fixes:
-Probes can no longer fire during a breakdown.
-T-bombs can no longer be placed during a breakdown.
-Hit and runs no longer function during a breakdown.
-Defensive tractors no longer function during a breakdown.
-Point defense is now disabled during a breakdown.
-AMD and Plasma D are now disabled during a breakdown.
-Shuttles and fighters cannot be launched during breakdown.
-Fighters cannot be retrieved during breakdown.
-ESG field drops when a breakdown occurs.
-Erratic Maneuvers cannot be used during a breakdown.
-Emergency stop cannot be used during a breakdown.
-Maximum speed restored properly if ship does not completely stop.
51) Phaser damage to Plasma is now 4 points of damage reduces plasma strength
by one.
52) Fast missile speed reduce to 32.
53) Pseudo plasma recharge time has been reduced.
54) Photon Proximity hit chances changes as follows: 9-12(83%), 13-30(66.7%)
and 31-55(33.3% NO Change)
55) ESG vs Hellbore interaction added.
56) F12 screenshot limit imposed - 1 shot limit every 5 seconds - to help
prevent cheating.
57) Hitting Shift-ScrollLock during red alert will save many of your ship's
settings which are applied on any future red alert. (Data stored in
58) Fast Repair Bug fixed; each weapon slot must be at 50% health to operate.
59) Multiplayer (GameSpy/Dyna) networking code optimized; effects of lag should
be reduced.
60) Plasma I defensive firing made smarter.
61) Phaser-G hardpoint charging status indicator fixed.
62) Phaser-G multiple-slot hardpoints can now fire all shots.
63) Phaser-G point defense fixed to count shots correctly.
64) If ADD shot at a shuttle, it would only shoot once then completely disable
PD vs.the shuttle.
65) EM and WW launch now void any active ESG field.
66) ESG now delivers correct damage to kill fighters (previously some ESG
energy was wasted).
67) Single fighter group no longer drops multiple ESG rings unless energy
expenditure warrants it.
68) Mine detonation on ESG ring when user changed radius UI control fixed.
69) Tractor hold, grab, then switch to repel now drops tractor hold.
70) Tractor charging and switching hold/repel, repel/hold now resets tractor
71) F12 Screenshot file write made asynchronous (meaning faster).
72) Phaser slots that are destroyed now recycle their ready state.
73) Mirv warheads would not loose track of cloaked vessels - fixed.
74) Adjusted MIRV loadouts.
75) PhG does not honor shift-Z "fire all" command - fixed.
76) Normal Hellbore holding cost reduced to 2.5 points from 3.
77) Ships that are tractored can no longer initiate cloak.
78) Damaged fighters now take time to repair/replace.
79) Shield repair rate has been reduce to approximately 3/4 of previous value.
80) OrionOrion not being recorded in database - fixed.
81) Pseudo Fighters no longer regenerate PPTs.
02 Patch fixes in
1) Bug when fleeing on mission, decreases hex defense value -fixed
2) Ghosting of characters ("you are already logged on") should be fixed.
3) Killing of AI characters wasn't removing ships - fixed
4) Fixed mission not completing.
5) Fixed Singleplayer campaign crash after viewing map
6) Disabled the ESC during Dynaverse tactical, now only available if you fly
off the map.
7) Single campaign crashes when exiting - fixed.
8) Player now cannot move while being drafted in dynaverse.
9) Multiplayer timing improved.
10) Metaverse game speed not always set (if they go into skirmish, then meta) -
11) We now handle directplay error DPERR_INVALIDPLAYER properly which had led
to crashes in some scripts.
12) We now handle DPERR_CONNECTIONLOST properly, that had kept humans from
matching up.
13) Mission AI ships are now deleted after mission (slowdown bug)
14) Changes to the ISC and Pirate political matrix.
15) Security cheat where players could log on to a dynaverse server without
checks and then log on to a secure server - fixed.
16) Human to human matches under dynaverse were not always reporting the
battles properly - fixed.
17) 0 Battery causing crash when opening fleet control panel - fixed.
18) Plasma D able to fire at cloaked ships - fixed.
19) Scatterpacks now void Wild Weasels.
20) Maximum range disruptors range was incorrect. Reduced damage from 2 to 1 -
21) Scripts not able to set store items correctly on startup - fixed.
22) Batteries not recharging correctly - fixed.
23) Erratic Manuevers generating excessive ECM - fixed.
24) Defensive Plasma not firing at all targets if chosen target is fighter
group - fixed.
25) A single admin shuttle can drop 6 ESGs - fixed.
26) Bug fixed where program would crash if you looked at the vessel library
before joining a Dynaverse server, after creating a fresh character.
27) Map not centered on player at start of play - fixed.
28) Phaser 3 and G firing Point Defense at range 3 (too far) - fixed.
29) Range 0 ESG missing drones - fixed.
30) ESG cycle time has changed to 1.5 turns after firing.
31) AMD to hit % too effective - fixed (KM).
32) AMD alwasys destroying WW, Scatterpack and Suicide Shuttles in one hit -
fixed (KM).
33) AMD not affected by EM - fixed (KM).
34) Gorn race ships too weak - increased hull strength.
35) CD key in use message error - fixed.
36) High drone control ships (advanced era) causing crash - fixed.
37) Scan progress indicator not working - fixed.
38) Running when ambush causing a change of hex ownership - fixed.
39) WW, Scatterpack and Suicide Shuttles not taking enough damage - fixed (KM).
40) User name field for logging onto Dynaverse larger for email addresses.
41) Plasma holding costs reduced slightly R(4), S(2.33), G(1.5).
42) AMD and Plasma D not firing at SS and Scatterpacks - fixed
43) Ph2 range table corrections (KM).
44) WW speed has been reduced to 6 (was 12).
45) Each PPD pulse is now a separate volley (KM).
46) PPD stops firing if target moves out of firing range (KM).
47) Damage for each PPD pulse is now calculated when the pulse hits, not when
the user fired it (KM).
48) Normal photon feedback damage has been reduced to 2 (was 4, same as
49) Disruptor feedback Range 0 - Normal changed from 0 to 1, overloaded from 4
to 2.
50) Lowered repair time of Phaser 3s, Phaser G, ADD12 and Tractors.
51) Increased repair time of Phaser G2 and Phaser 4.
52) Crash upon exiting game - fixed.
(KM) Indicates bug fixed by KhoroMag patching team.
03 Installation Instructions
Start Windows 95/98/2000/Me and insert the Star Trek Starfleet Command(R):
Orion Pirates(TM) CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
If you have Autorun enabled, follow the on-screen instructions when the setup
program begins.
If you do not have Autorun enabled, or if Autorun fails to start, double-click
on your "My Computer" desktop icon. Locate and double-click the CD-ROM drive.
Double-click the SETUP.EXE file.
After the game has installed, you can then run it by clicking on the Windows
Start button by going to the Programs menu and selecting Taldren-> Starfleet
Command Orion Pirates.
Starfleet Command Orion Pirates requires DirectX 7.0 or later. DirectX8.0a has
been included on the CD. After installation of the game program files,
Setup.exe will automatically determine if a later version is already installed.
If not, then the DirectX install window appears.
Run SFCOPSetupMFC.exe from the installed program directory to change game
resolution (800x600, 1024x768, and 1280x1024), or select the Setup Utility by
clicking on the Windows Start Button --> Programs --> Taldren menu. Your
desktop resolution setting must be at least as large as the resolution setting
you are trying to play the game. For example, if your Windows desktop is set
to 800x600, don't try to play the game in 1024x768.
To uninstall the game, click on the Windows Start Button --> Settings -->
Control Panel. Next, select Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel folder.
Select Starfleet Command Orion Pirates from the program list, then press the
Add/Remove Button to begin the uninstall process.
For the latest updates and information, point your web browser to:
04 System Requirements
Pentium III 500 (without 3D acceleration)
Pentium II 350 or better (with 3D acceleration)
Windows(R) 95/98/2000/Me with DirectX 7.0 or later (v8.0a included)
64MB Ram
735MB of free hard disk space
Minimum Install approx. 735MB
Typical Install approx. 770MB
4x or faster CD-ROM drive
100% Microsoft(TM) compatible mouse & keyboard
Compatible with D3D supported video cards
Modem (56K preferable)
05 Copy Protection Notice
The multiplayer feature of this game has been copy protected. To play in the
multiplayer mode, please enter your individual CD Code Key, which is located on
the front of the jewel case.
06 Manual
Read the Star Trek Starfleet Command(R) :Orion Pirates(TM) Manual for more
07 Default Hotkey List
ESC Exit
F1 Overhead Camera
F2 Chase Camera
F3 Follow Camera (Default)
F4 Target Camera
F5 Toggle Camera Target Lock
F6 Jump to Ship #1
F7 Jump to Ship #2
F8 Jump to Ship #3
F9 Hud Minimal Information
F10 Hud Normal Information
F11 Hud Maximum Information
` Target Nearest Enemy
F12 Take Screenshot
1-4 Select Weapon Group #
Ctrl + 1-4 Set Weapon Group #
5-8 Select Target from Memory
Ctrl + 5-8 Set Target to Memory
0 Communications Panel
- Zoom In
+ Zoom Out
BACKSPACE Quickjump to Target Player Ship
TAB Tactical Map Panel
Q Launch Suicide Shuttle
W Launch Wild Weasel
E Launch Scatterpack
ENTER Multiplayer Chat
CTRL + ENTER Multiplayer Chat (Team Message)
Y Yellow Alert
R Red Alert
A Decelerate
S Accelerate
Z Fire All Selected Weapons
SHIFT + Z Alpha Strike (Fire All)
T Cycle through targets
SHIFT + T Cycle through target (reverse order)
Y Cycle through enemy targets
SHIFT + Y Cycle through enemy target (reverse order)
I Toggle Deep Scan
D Slide thr interface bar on and off the screen
M Drop a mine out the shuttle bay
SHIFT + M Drop a nuclear mine out of the shuttle bay
B Place a Transporter Bomb
O Switch Schematic Displays
P Fire Probe
[ Game Speed Slider Slower
] Game Speed Slider Faster
\ Deselect Target
A Slow Down
S Speed Up
F Maximum ECM
G Maximum ECCM
H Electronic Warfare Panel (ECM and ECCM)
J Tractor Panel
K Shield Panel
L Defensive Panel
; Repair Panel
' Helm Panel
N Transporter Panel
, Shuttle Panel
. Energy Panel
/ Preferences Panel
SPACE Target Nearest Hostile Seeking Weapon
X Toggle Cloak
C Max Defensive Tractor
V Max Point Defense
PAUSE Pause & Issue Orders (single player only)
HOME Move Camera Counter-Clockwise
END Move Camera Clockwise
PAGE UP Tilt Camera Up
PAGE DOWN Tilt Camera Down
Number Pad
1 Reinforce Aft Port Shield
2 Reinforce Aft Shield
3 Reinforce Aft Starboard Shield
7 Reinvorce Forward Port Shield
8 Reinforce Forward Shield
9 Reinforce Forward Starboard Shield
0 Emergency Deceleration
. Orbit Target
/ Erratic Maneuvers
* Follow Target
08 Taunts
Your officers will keep you informed of important events that take place during
a mission by responding with verbal feedback. There are many different officers
from which you will hear reports. For example, your First Officer will keep
you updated on the status of your ship and also of the enemy, and your fighter
pilots will acknowledge the orders relayed to them. In addition, there are
also "taunts" that you can broadcast to your currently selected target.
The level of crew voices you will hear in the game is controlled via the
Options Screen. In the left-hand pane of the Options Screen you will see a
section marked "Crew Voices", with four buttons: Off, Minimum, Medium and
"Off" shuts off all voices.
"Minimum" means that only the most important voice reports will play, e.g., Red
Alert, Shuttle Conversion, Self Destruct, etc.
At "Medium" level all voices are enabled except for the Taunts.
"Maximum" plays all voices, including the Taunts.
Using the Taunts
Each race has eleven unique taunts that you can broadcast to the ship you
currently have targeted. To send a taunt, hold down the SHIFT key and press F1
through F11 to select from taunts 1 through 11. The taunts for each race are
listed below.
1. "The Federation will Prevail."
2. "Damn, that was stupid."
3. "Are you going to try to fight?"
4. "Ooh, that had to hurt."
5. "Wow, you're ugly and stupid."
6. "Stand down; prepare to be boarded."
7. "Surrender and I will spare your crew."
8. "It's good to be in the Federation."
9. "Take that!"
10. "I warned you!"
11. "We will not go down without a fight!"
1. "Children fight better than that!"
2. "Try to be more challenging."
3. "At least try to be worthy of my skills!"
4. "Amazing! You must have studied hard to become so incompetent."
5. "You're obviously outmatched - why not surrender and save us time?"
6. "Surrender or die...choose quickly!"
7. "I love the glow of a ravaged ship against the stars."
8. "You burn quite nicely."
9. "You were warned. Now prepare to die!"
10. "When this battle is over, you will be forgotten."
11. laughter
1. "For the glory of the Empire."
2. "Oh, that was quite intelligent."
3. "I do hope you will try to make this interesting."
4. "It is time for you to die."
5. "Even for an inferior race you fight poorly."
6. "Stand down; prepare to be boarded."
7. "The Praetor will be pleased."
8. "I love the glow of a plasma-ravaged ship against the stars."
9. "Take that, cretin!"
10. "My honor fails me..."
11. "He's a sorcerer, that one."
1. "Don't'll just die tired."
2. "Ahh, fresh prey!"
3. "Aww, look what the cat dragged in."
4. "We have your scent. Let the hunt begin!"
5. "Ow! Tsk tsk, that must have hurt."
6. "Not even a challenge."
7. "Oh at least try to fight back"
8. "It seems we are now the hunted!"
9. "Ah, the prey bites back."
10. "How can this be!?"
11. hissing cat noises
1. "Good show!"
2. "Don't struggle; it'll only make it worse."
3. "You are quite annoying."
4. "I will show you some manners."
5. "The Royal Navy at your service."
6. "Always happy to lend a hand."
7. "Surrender, and I will spare your crew."
8. "Quite sorry for that."
9. "Take that!"
10. "They shall rot for that!"
11. "We will not go down without a fight!"
1. "Withdraw or be destroyed."
2. "Save your lies for those that will listen."
3. "Run coward!"
4. "That is why the Creator made sensor decoys."
5. "Your ship is soft."
6. "Surrender your vessel to the Confederation."
7. "I will use your bones to pick my teeth clean."
8. "Suck it down!"
9. "Please do not cry."
10. "Ah, you do have some spirit."
11. scream
1. "You are useless."
2. "Pathetic!"
3. "Prepare to be pacified."
4. "You are so feeble."
5. "You cannot stand against the ISC."
6. "Stand down. Prepare to be boarded."
7. "Surrender, and I will spare your crew."
8. "Your life is forfeit."
9. "You are ignorant. Let me enlighten you."
10. "Not bad for an outlaw."
11. "That is impossible!"
1. "You fool!"
2. "You fight worse than my mother!"
3. "I will feast on your entrails!"
4. "We have your scent. Let the hunt begin!"
5. "Run, you miserable excuse for a Captain!"
6. "Not even a challenge."
7. "Pathetic!"
8. "Ah, the prey bites back."
9. "It seems we are now the hunted."
10. "You've won...this time."
11. howl
F1: "This is the part where you die."
F2: "Did that hurt?"
F3: "Stand down and I will spare your cargo"
F4: "Die already!"
F5: "Your debt is due -- pay up!"
F6: "So, you wanna' do this the hard way."
F7: "Didn't they teach you anything at the academy?"
F8: "You're going to run, aren't you?"
F9: "Don't get happy yet! This fight isn't over."
F10: "You are no match for the Orion Cartel!"
F11: "I will die before I let you capture me alive!"
F1: "Your life means nothing to me."
F2: "Glory to House Korgath!"
F3: "You will give me that cargo, or die!"
F4: "Groveling will not help."
F5: "You are weak."
F6: "I will chain you next to my Targ!"
F7: "You aren't dead yet?"
F8: "You must die so that I may live!"
F9: "Your cargo or your life -- it matters little to me."
F10: "Looks like you're having a bad day."
F11: Laughter
F1: "Prime Industries will not fail."
F2: "Silly captain, it won't help you."
F3: "That's what I call a merger!"
F4: "You zigged when you should have zagged."
F5: "I love repossessions!"
F6: "Next in line, please."
F7: "You cannot run from me!"
F8: "You found a loophole I see!"
F9: "How may I help you?"
F10: "Your contract is terminated!"
F11: Laughter
F1: "This is gonna' be fun!"
F2: "Lemme' at 'em!"
F3: "Thank you for resisting."
F4: "Men are so stupid."
F5: "Hold still. It'll hurt less."
F6: "Target practice!"
F7: "Oh, you're running!"
F8: "You're not so smart."
F9: "Oh please do not resist."
F10: "Why not just release your cargo to us?"
F11: "You just don't give up."
Beast Raiders (note: The universal translator does not work 100% with the Beast
Raider language)
F1: "Beast Hunter good to be."
F2: "Not worry, dead enemy!"
F3: "This eat!"
F4: "Job good!"
F5: "Now surrender."
F6: "Owie me!"
F7: "Sickens me, your face."
F8: "Stupid, ugly, smelly!"
F9: "Cry not."
F10: "Prayers, say you!"
F11: Laughter
F1: "The sun sets on your life."
F2: "Prepare yourself for the afterlife."
F3: "You will die in dishonor!"
F4: "Death before dishonor!"
F5: "That was not wise."
F6: "I question your intelligence."
F7: "Running is not an answer."
F8: "Your debt is due."
F9: "Your lack of skill sickens me."
F10: "The Syndicate at your service."
F11: Laughter
F1: "Welcome to WyldeFire space."
F2: "Huzzah!"
F3: "Stand and deliver!"
F4: "Prepare to be boarded!"
F5: "Your cargo, please."
F6: "To the gallows with you!"
F7: "Your cargo is now ours."
F8: "Where ya' running to?"
F9: "Ahoy there!"
F10: "Oh, that hurt!"
F11: Laugher
F1: "You got ripped!"
F2: "Time to cull the herd!"
F3: "That was a mistake."
F4: "Fresh meat!"
F5: "I will make this quick. Hold still!"
F6: "You wandered into our hunting grounds!"
F7: "Running won't help!"
F8: "Need a light?"
F9: "Meet the ESG Lance!"
F10: Growl
F11: Laughter
09 Known Issues
Win95a won't install without Service Pack 2 (OS2).
Plasma X's do 40 points of damage maximum at very close range.
Rearming of Fighters and Pseudo-Fighters (PF's): When fighters and PFs land
they must be repaired/rearmed before they may launch again. Their progress may
be monitored under the shuttle conversion panel. Bring up the shuttle
conversion panel then click on Fighters button to watch their progress.
Shipyard: When in the Shipyard during a campaign, if you wish to see details
on the ship you are interested in, Right-click to view the vessel library entry
for this ship.
Additional Known Single/Multiplayer Issues
If a system or player crashes out of any given game it will never go to the
"mission complete" screen
TigerHeart Pirates - The BRH1 does not have an in-game weapon schematic.
Mission Specific:
Starbases: There are no Pirate race Starbases. Missions affected are Base
Assault, Team Assault and Hockey.
Hockey: If you are a pirate, you will have an ISC starbase.
Huge Fleet: Only one player will be the target, even if other players choose
to be on the same team. Additionally, the fleeing ship is so far away from the
others that it can simply fly out of bounds to win. The other ships have no
way to catch up.
Timed Battle: There is no scripts.ini file to edit time limit per mission
The Wrath of Kahn: The mission is not always available for selection in the
available multiplayer mission list. Its appearance is intermittent. Also, if
the player who is playing Khan activates the self destruct, it does not alert
the Enterprise player, the timer only lasts 5 seconds - thus not allowing the
Enterprise time to escape - and it will destroy the Enterprise once it (the
Reliant) blows up, even if the game just starts.
Intruder: If the host chooses a Pirate faction, none of the clients may choose
a Pirate faction otherwise none of the clients will spawn in. Also, once the
Host quits out of Intruder, the clients crash to the desktop.
10 Troubleshooting
1) For the latest updates, patches and information, point your web browser to:
2) If you are experiencing troubles with lag and/or poor connectivity. Try the
following tips to increase game stability:
- The player with the best connectivity should be the host. The host
transfers some data that the clients don't. This is especially noticeable at
beginning of a match.
- By reducing player numbers, this reduces the amount of data that modems must
process. Lower spec machines using win modems will benefit from this in two
ways, as Win modems require more CPU power that takes away from frame rate.
- Reduce the game speed, this reduces the amount of information that is sent
through the network.
3) To host a game on GameSpy, the host machine must have their network card
4) Game speed '11' was included only for quickly traveling from one distant
location to another, and should not be used during combat or any event specific
interactions. This mode is not officially supported and may cause timing
5) Windows 2000: If audio problems are encountered (ie. intermittent, choppy
sounds), please update Windows 2000 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), available from
Microsoft at
6) Star Trek Starfleet Command(R): Orion Pirates(TM) will not run if the
Virtual Memory feature of Windows has been disabled.
7) Install the most recent video and audio drivers.
8) Flickering graphics on TNT-based cards: try disabling V-Synch.
9) Using ALT-TAB may cause system difficulties.
10) The tutorials are time sensitive. If you play faster than the default
speed, the tutorials may get out of sequence. There are no problems playing
the tutorials at a slower speed. There is no voice over audio for the
11) Your desktop resolution setting must be at least as large as the resolution
setting you are trying to play the game. For example, if your Windows desktop
is set to 800x600, don't try to play the game in 1024x768.
12) Multiplayer on LANs: If you are playing simultaneous LAN network games,
press UPDATE before joining a game if you have identical session names.
13) If a player is dropped, DirectPlay may take up to one minute at the end of
a multiplayer session to clean up.
14) If you have a SoundBlaster Live audio card, reduce the amount of hardware
acceleration if you are having problems.
11 Bonus Files
Star Fleet Battles:
A series of .pdf files in the SFB Folder give you the complete Cadet's Handbook
for Star Fleet Battles, the board game that SFC is based.
See for more information about Star Fleet Battles.
12 Technical Support
Interplay Entertainment Corp. Technical Support now offers troubleshooting
guides with complete installation and setup instructions as well as information
that will help you overcome the most common difficulties. If you have access to
the World Wide Web, you can find these at:
Here you will find troubleshooting information on as well as information on
regular system maintenance and performance.
Modems and Networks
(For game-specific information and additional troubleshooting,
visit our main page at
If you have questions about the program, our Technical Support Department can
help. Our web site contains up-to-date information on the most common
difficulties with our products, and this information is the same as that used
by our product support technicians. We keep the product support pages updated
on a regular basis, so please check here first for no-wait solutions:
If you are unable to find the information you need on our web site, please feel
free to contact Technical Support via e-mail, phone, fax, or letter. Please be
sure to include the following information in your e-mail message, fax, or
Title of Game
Computer manufacturer
Operating system (Windows 95, DOS 6.22, etc.)
CPU type and speed in MHz
Amount of RAM
Sound card type and settings (address, IRQ, DMA)
Video card
Mouse driver and version
Joystick and game card (if any)
A copy of the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files from your hard drive
A description of the problem you're having
If you need to talk to someone immediately, call us at (949) 553-6678 Monday
through Friday between 8:00AM-5: 45PM, Pacific Standard Time with 24 hours, 7
days a week support available through the use of our automated wizard. Please
have the above information ready when you call. This will help us answer your
question in the shortest possible time. When you call you will initially be
connected with our automated wizard. For information pertaining to your
specific title, press "1" on the main menu and listen carefully to all prompts.
All titles are listed alphabetically. After you have selected your title, the
most common difficulties will be listed. If the difficulty you are having is
not listed or you need additional assistance, you may press "0" on your games
main menu, and you will be transferred to a Technical Support Representative.
No hints or codes are available from this line.
Interplay Entertainment Corp. Support Fax: (949) 252-2820
Interplay Entertainment Corp. Technical Support
16815 Von Karman Avenue
Irvine, CA 92606
13 Technical Support (UK)
Thank you for purchasing this product. If you are experiencing difficulties
with this title, please take advantage of the following product support. Please
note that all our operators only speak English and that we are unable to give
gameplay hints through our Technical Support number.
Technical Support : 0207 551 4266
Fax: 0207 551 4267
email: (please use the game title
as your subject heading)
World Wide Web : and
Address : Customer Services Department
Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Europe) Ltd.
74a Charlotte Street
Please note that our Customer Services department is open between the hours of
10am – 6pm with limited support offered between 1-3pm. As mentioned, all of
our operators only speak English. If you are calling from abroad, please
contact the relevant office in your territory.
Virgin Interactive also provide a fully automated technical support system,
which provides help on our most popular titles 24 hours a day. This service is
available through our main number above and is the only service available after
our offices have closed. This service is NOT charged at a premium rate.
In the unlikely event of an immediate software fault please return the complete
package, with your receipt, to the original place of purchase.
If you do telephone, please be sitting in front of your computer (if possible)
and be sure to provide us with as much information as possible. Make sure to
note the exact type of hardware that you are using in your system, including:
· Speed and Manufacturer of your Processor. (Intel, AMD etc..)
· Make & Model of your Sound Card. (Creative Labs etc..)
· Make & Model of your Video Card. (Ge Force, 3DFX etc..)
· Make & Model of your CD-ROM drive. (Panasonic, Creative etc..)
· Amount of RAM present. (64mb, 128mb etc..)
· Any additional Hardware and Peripherals. (Webcams, Scanners etc..)
· Information contained in your Config.Sys & Autoexec.Bat files.
· Direct X information*
*To obtain information relating to Direct Xä on your system, simply click on
Start and then Run. Next, type in DXDIAG in the open box and then click OK to
bring up the Diagnostics window. You should be primarily interested in the
information concerning your Sound card and Display (video) card. A copy of
your DXDIAG information at hand is also useful.
Note: If you have any problems in obtaining any System Information please
consult your System supplier. It is extremely important that you have the
information above at hand when you call. Virgin Interactive cannot give you
this information entirely on the basis of you telling us which system you have,
as you will often find that different configurations are used when building the
same model of PC and there are many models of PC available..
When sending us a fax, please remember to leave your fax machine switched on
and ready to receive. If you are using a Telephone/Fax system please make sure
that the Fax connection is enabled. Ensure to include your name, a return fax
number with the area code and a voice number so we can contact you if we
experience problems when trying to fax you back.
When sending us an email, please use only the title of the game in question in
your subject header as words like “help” or empty spaced will often be met with
a generic, autotmated response.
When contacting us by post, ensure you include the Title & Version of the game,
a detailed description of the problem you are experiencing and the exact type
of hardware that you are using as detailed above.
As mentioned earlier, no hints and tips will be given by our Customer Services
Department we are here to try and help you resolve technical problems with your
product. Hints and tips are available for our most popular titles and details
to obtain these are normally printed on the box, packaging or in the rear or
customer support section of your manual. Please check before calling us.
14 Technical Support (Germany)
Vielen Dank, daß Sie sich für dieses Produkt entschieden haben.
Virgin Interactive Entertainment Deutschland GmbH bietet Ihnen eine technische
die Sie unter der Rufnummer 040/ 89703300, Montag bis Freitag zwischen 15 und
20 Uhr anrufen können.
Hier erhalten Sie ausschließlich technische Hilfe.
Außerdem stehen Ihnen Montag bis Freitag zwischen 15 und 20 Uhr,
unter der Rufnummer 01905/ 897033 (1,21 DM/Min)unsere freundlichen Mitarbeiter
zur Verfügung.
Hier erhalten Sie Lösungshilfen, Cheats und Wissenswertes rund um die Virgin
Sollten Sie über einen Internet-Zugang verfügen, können Sie unter der
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Hier finden Sie Ankündigungen neuer Produkte, Infos, Screenshots,
Software-Updates und
natürlich Demo-Versionen aktueller und kommender Titel.
Austausch defekter CD´s
Sollten Sie beim Kauf unseres Produktes eine defekte CD erhalten haben, wenden
Sie sich bitte vertrauensvoll an Ihren Händler. Sollte Ihnen dieser wider
erwarten nicht weiter helfen können, senden Sie uns bitte die defekte CD
zusammen mit einer Kopie Ihres Kaufbeleges in einem einfachen und ausreichend
frankierten Umschlag zu. Denken Sie bitte daran, eine kurze Notiz beizulegen,
um was für ein Problem es sich bei Ihrem Datenträger handelt, und geben Sie auf
jeden Fall Ihre Adresse sowie Ihre komplette System-Konfiguration an. Bitte
haben Sie Verständnis dafür, wenn wir Datenträger, die durch unsachgemäße
Behandlung beschädigt oder verändert wurden, nicht kostenlos umtauschen können.
In diesem Fall erheben wir für die pauschalierte Abwicklung (Versand,
Verpackung, Logistik) einen Betrag von DM 15,-, der als Verrechnungsscheck oder
Bargeld dem Anschreiben beiliegen sollte.
Sollte die Garantie des von Ihnen erworbenen Spieles erloschen sein haben Sie
bitte Verständnis dafür, daß es uns eventuell nicht mehr möglich sein wird Ihr
Spiel zu tauschen oder zu ersetzen.
Senden Sie uns bitte nicht die komplette Spielverpackung zu. Sollten Sie an
einem vollständigen Umtausch interessiert sein, wenden Sie sich damit bitte an
Ihren Händler, über den Sie dieses Produkt
ursprünglich bezogen haben.
Bitte vergessen Sie nicht, die von Ihnen ausgefüllte Registrierkarte
Ihre CD/CD´s schicken Sie bitte an die folgende Adresse:
Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Deutschland) GmbH
Borselstr. 16 C
22765 Hamburg
15 Legal Stuff
Copyright 2001 by Interplay Entertainment Corp. All Rights Reserved. Portions
copyright 2000 Amarillo Design Bureau. Some elements based upon the board
games created by Amarillo Design Bureau.
Star Trek Starfleet Command(R) :Orion Pirates(TM) Copyright 2001 Interplay
Entertainment Corp. All Rights Reserved. Registered and Copyright 2000
Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved. Star Trek is a registered trademark
of Paramount Pictures and Starfleet Command and related marks are trademarks of
Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved. Interplay, the Interplay logo, "By
Gamers, For Gamers", 14 East and the 14 East logo are trademarks of Interplay
Entertainment Corp. Taldren and the Taldren logo are trademarks of Taldren,
Inc. Exclusively licensed and distributed by Interplay Entertainment Corp.
All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective
General Product License. This copy of Star Trek Starfleet Command(R) :Orion
Pirates(TM) (the "Software") is intended solely for your personal
non-commercial home entertainment use. You may not decompile, reverse
engineer, or disassemble the Software, except as permitted by law. Interplay
Entertainment Corp. and its licensors retain all right, title and interest in
the Software including all intellectual property rights embodied therein and
derivatives thereof. The Software, including, without limitation, all code,
data structures, characters, images, sounds, text, screens, game play,
derivative works and all other elements of the Software may not be copied,
resold, rented, leased, distributed (electronically or otherwise), used on a
pay-per-play, coin-op or other for-charge basis, or for any commercial purpose.
Any permissions granted herein are provided on a temporary basis and can be
withdrawn by Interplay Entertainment Corp. at any time. All rights not
expressly granted are reserved.
Modem and Network Play. If the Software contains modem or network play, you
may play the Software via modem transmission with another person or persons
directly without transmission through a third party service or indirectly
through a third party service only if such service is an authorized licensee of
Interplay. For the purpose of this license, a "third party service" refers to
any third party service which provides a connection between two or more users
of the Software, manages, organizes, or facilitates game play, translates
protocols, or otherwise provides a service which commercially exploits the
Software, but does not include a third party service which merely provides a
telephonic connection (and nothing more) for modem or network play. Authorized
licensee services are listed on the Interplay Entertainment Corp. World Wide
Web Site located at This limited right to transmit
the Software expressly excludes any transmission of the Software of any data
streams thereof on a commercial basis, including, without limitation,
transmitting the Software by way of a commercial service (excepting those
specific commercial services licensed by Interplay) which translates the
protocols or manages or organizes game play sessions.
Acceptance of License Terms. By acquiring and retaining this Software, you
assent to the terms and restrictions of this limited license. If you do not
accept the terms of this limited license, you must return the Software together
with all packaging, manuals and other material contained therein to the store
where you acquired the Software for a full refund.