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Sniper: Path of Vengeance

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Разработчик Mirage Media sniper.gif (22268 байтов)
Издатель Xicat Interactive 
Жанр Шутер / 3D Action
Похожие игры  

Патч / retail version 2.33

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44.42 Mb


Патчи версии Retail v2.33 

Sniper: Path of Vengeance by Mirage - retail v2.33 patch
changes to ver 2.33 (Dec 31, 2002):

There are no details on the changes in this version

changes to ver 2.01 (Oct 18, 2002):

* Game moved to Lithtech build 62+ (additional fixes provided by LithTech).
* Sound problems fixed
* no mp3 bug fixed
* less memory requirements
* No exiting to system inbetween levels
* Quickload does not reload the same level, much faster.
* Enemy AI improvements:
- Enemies more aggressive
- Enemies avoid strafing
- Enemies shoot more and move to hide, dancing minimized
- Enemies flee away when hurt badly (depends on enemy toughness)
- Enemies do not reload weapons in plain sight, try to hide to reload.
* Death screams heard at reasonable distances
* "loading world data" screen appears correctly (no black nor pink screen).
* Launcher has the possibility to skip intros now.
* Characters' heads do not rotate when dead
* Transition from intro to first prison OK.
* Sprites and characters visibility detections rewritten - should be faster and
more smooth now.

changes to ver 1.30 (Oct 10, 2002):

* "no mp3 codecs" bug fixed, due to LithTech.
* All of the action enemy spawners work now, previous fix was partial only.
* Weapon experience cannot exceed 100% now.
* funny character at the end of title bar removed.
* in some cases enemy standing on comrade's dead body was invulnerable. fixed.

changes to ver. 1.25 (Sept 26, 2002):

* Not crashing inbetween levels (used to happen on some configs).
* Lack of proper vid codecs does not forbid the game to run.
* avi's try to run on all the systems (instead of W2K and above)
* Intelligence and dialogs run on all the configs
* Menu: Invert mouse Y added
* Menu: weapon bob on/off added
* Menu: quick save new level added
* Cop with bat does not act as a total idiot
* InvertMouse deleted from autoexec.cfg, replaced with CInvertMouse
* Pink loading screen removed
* Toggle run carried inbetween levels and into save games as well
* Mayor estate can be finished also when the mayor is dead.
* Dropping items from inv much easier (drag&drop fixed)
* Droping items from inv actually decreases their numbers.
* Action enemy spawners work! Lots of action kicked in, that was already
* Menu: sound menu added (music/speech/other sounds on and off)
* Esc and keys typed by codes to work all over the world
Sniper: Path of Vengeance    Sniper: Path of Vengeance           Sniper: Path of Vengeance    Sniper: Path of Vengeance           Sniper: Path of Vengeance    Sniper: Path of Vengeance           Sniper: Path of Vengeance    Sniper: Path of Vengeance           Sniper: Path of Vengeance    Sniper: Path of Vengeance          


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