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Разработчик Jesús Saiz Ayala

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Издатель Jesús Saiz Ayala
Жанр 3D Simulation
Похожие игры  
Дата выхода Март 2003 (Mach 2003)


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Patch v2.14

Sailors of the Sky - version history
Patch 2.14 - 14th April 2003

1. Remove players if they are disconnected more than 1 minute
2. Improved padlock when distances are closed
3. Increase horizon distance up to 30 kms
4. New vario sound, control volume (E,Shift+E), limits (see "Configuration") 
5. Proportional flaps control
6. "i" key removes track from the map too
7. Improved tree layout
8. Wheel drag included
9. Negative flaps
10. Dez's (De Zweefvlieger NL) baby can be shown in the "Glider" option of the
11. If Imperial units are selected, the Variometer and Airspeed indicator
display in knots
and the altimeter will display in feet.

Patch 2.13 - 24th March 2003

1. Fixed register bug

Patch 2.12 - March 2003

1. Fixed register bug
2. Added beep sounds in the players window to notice that a player has joined
the game.

Patch 2.11 -March 2003

1. Fixed in-fligth computer letter size bug
2. New Mafikeng's transition textures
3. Fixed ballast influence on the model
4. New option to visualize polar without watter (see "Gliders" option in main
5. Fixed "ERROR Different type" wrong message in multiplayer option.
6. Speed up option (x20) keep the the glider flying at the same course now 
(no automatic flight).


Keymap as of V2.14 March, 2003
(See patch notes above)

Throttle lever- trimmer lever (set forward at start in tow)/Speed Brakes

ESC Exit
F1 Front view
F2 Lock/unlock padlock plane
F3 External view
F4 Chase view
F5 Fly-by view
F6 Chase-2 view
F7 External view from padlock plane
F8 Padlock closest plane
F9 Next closest plane
F10 Padlock from base cycling forwards

Shift+F1 Padlock base
Shift+F2 Padlock waypoint
Shift+F8 Padlock closest plane or bird
Shift+F9 Padlock Next closest plane or bird
Shift+F10 Padlock from base cycling backwards
Ctrl+F1 Padlock next base
Ctrl+F2 Padlock next waypoint
Ctrl+F8 Padlock closest faster plane

8 (Keypad) Front-up view
5 (Keypad) Front view
4 (Keypad) Left view
6 (Keypad) Right view

N Cycle planes
Shift+N Cycle planes (backwards)
Ctrl+N Cycle planes by ten
V Cycle birds
A Automatic fly On/Off
Shift+A Automatic fly; Automatic rudder; Automatic Speed

L Labels (RED is computer flying, BLUE is a human (only
K Hide computer-airplanes on/off. Show only BLUE labels.
O Multiplayer connections information
R Player ready to start XC (restart in multiplayer games)
S Accelerated time by 20 (only in competitions)
F Flaps down
Shift+F Flaps up 
B Air brakes out/in
G Gear down/up
Q Discharge water, use "C"omputer + PageDown for showing
remaining ballast. 
H Cable hook release
C Computer (Cycle using PageUp and PageDwn - GPS, Final-Glide,
Waypoints, Water, Calculations, Wind) 
T Compass on/off (shows true North with a blue arrow)
D Set up new compass reference (will make the blue arrow shift)
Y Padlock Peripheral View
U Artificial horizon
E Vario beep volume up
Shift+E Vario beep volume down
Z Rudder left
X Rudder right
2 Forward trimmer lever
1 Backward trimmer lever
J Keep speed On/Off

Tab Broadcast message (Enter-send)
Space Wheel brakes
P Pause

Ctrl+P PrintScreen (make many pictures, they are saved to
PageUp Move gliderpilot seat forward (also cycle trough "C"omputer
PageDown Move gliderpilot seat backward (also cycle trough "C"omputer
Insert Rise seat of gliderpilot
Delete Lower seat of gliderpilot
End Reset seat of gliderpilot
-NumPad Move to Closer-up view (mouse wheel if available)
+NumPad Move to Further-off view (mouse wheel if available)
W Frame rate (cycles per sec)
I Flight info (Thermal circle not in competitions)
Shift+I Imperial Units/IS (kmh/kts feet/meters)
Return Padlock plane close to central view
Left and Right Arrows- Roll left and right
Sailors of the Sky     Sailors of the Sky     Sailors of the Sky             Sailors of the Sky     Sailors of the Sky     Sailors of the Sky             Sailors of the Sky     Sailors of the Sky     Sailors of the Sky             Sailors of the Sky     Sailors of the Sky     Sailors of the Sky            

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