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Rainbow Six: Raven Shield

К игре
Вокруг игр
Разработчик Ubi Soft Montreal (and Red Storm) rainbowsix3.gif (42355 байтов)
Издатель Ubi Soft Entertainment
Жанр 3D Action
Похожие игры  






70.96 Mb


Patch Retail German multiplayer demo patch v1.1

Rainbow Six: Raven Shield by Ubi Soft Montreal - German multiplayer demo patch

What's new in version 1.1

Design enhancements
-Frag grenade explosion radius is larger
-Claymore mine explosion radius is larger
-Remote charge explosion radius is larger
-Switching weapons is faster
-Performing actions is faster such as going onto ladders, changing postures,
and throwing grenades
-Crouch strafe and crouch back are faster
-Maximum reticule "bloom" is smaller...basically it never gets larger than when
you walk fast even when you turn quickly
-Reticule recovery speed is faster
-Penalty for falling from low heights is gone
-Implemented a 3 second in-game pause before each round begins
-Chat display area is now 6 lines
-...and tons of polishing

Bug fixes
-Floating elements (HBS/Helmets/Grenades)
-Connection for slow PCs (which cause a black screen)
-Getting stuck on ladders
-Switching weapon
-Sound Error Messages
-Fix some cheat issues
-Death Physics improvement
-Misc. Network Optimization

Other than that, here is some new additions:

New Game Mode: Escort the Pilot
Goal: Green team must escort a downed pilot, played by one of their own, to the
extraction zone, while Red team must prevent him from reaching the extraction

New Map: Import/Export Company
Location: Porto Alegre, Brazil

Officially added the Arm Patches features 
Rainbow Six: Raven Shield    Rainbow Six: Raven Shield        Rainbow Six: Raven Shield    Rainbow Six: Raven Shield        Rainbow Six: Raven Shield    Rainbow Six: Raven Shield        Rainbow Six: Raven Shield    Rainbow Six: Raven Shield       


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