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Разработчик Freeform Interactive purge.gif (37330 байтов)
Издатель Tri Synergy
Жанр 3D Action, 3D Role-Playing
Похожие игры  


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5.25 Mb


Патчи версия Multiplayer beta v1.3.2 -> v1.3.4 patch

Purge by Freeform Interactive - multiplayer beta v1.3.2 -> v1.3.4 patch


Purge Open Beta 1.3.4 greatly changes the gameplay compared to the original
build (1.3.2), released a little over a week ago. Significant bug fixes,
especially to skills, dramatically changes in the Purge experience. Also,
servers now have greater control over the battle mode and run highly
customizable games.


- The Persistance Battle Mode option should work better. It might still be
buggy. The encryption memory leak fixed.
- Memory leak on dedicated server fixed. It should be more stable now and not
lose a player's XP.
- Various network improvement to lower wild ping spikes.

[Battle Modes]
- The Battle Modes system redone. The server can now choose from 6 standard
Battle Modes: Super War, Normal War, Persistant War, Persistant Ops, Tactical
Ops, and Special Ops. Servers can also make custom Battle Modes.
- Servers can set the starting portal health and respawn time. Server can still
opt for the nearly indestructable Super Portal (can only be hurt by Nuke or
Angelfire), now with 9999 HP and 1 second respawn time.
- High leveled, Special Forces Battle Mode option should no longer crash the
dedicated server.

- Various explosions graphics reworked.
- Explosion "screen shaking" removed.

- Tenacity gives better saving throws. The chance of surviving an explosion is
- Intelligence gives skills earlier and better. The skills system has been
reworked so that a character with 25 (max) starting Intelligence can recieve
all three skills.

[General Weapons]
- Various weapons tweaked.
- All explosives do less damage now, but gain a +50% damage on all

- Ion Barriers nerfed. They are easier to deactive now. Especially because the
Ion Barrier skill is much easier to get (lower Intelligence requirement).

- Ward nerfed. They are easier to deactive now. Especially because the Ward
skill is much easier to get (lower Intelligence requirement).

- Combat Shotgun full auto fire slightly less accurate.
- SCRUB nerfed. The primary fire now has a slight drunk missile effect. Perfect
lock-on is no longer garanteed.
- Cyborg's has 25AC and 250 Armor Points now.
- Buildable Augment Station actually works now.

- Hyper (self) fixed. Fighter recieves a +15 Agility buff correctly now; it
also gives more buffing time.
- Hyper Rune fixed and has a higher buffing time cap. You can increase your
friend's Agility (+15) up to 75 seconds.
- Defender shielding, equal to 40 AC, works correctly now. It also uses less
ammo now.
- Wraith Axe primary attack has greater radius effect.
- Fighter's armor has 30 AC and 300 Armor Points now.
- Buildable Shrine actually works now.

- Maser primary attack damage increased.

- Drain damage increased.
- Mindblast alternate attack fire made denser.
- Energykenesis primary attack has 8 second duration only and speed slightly
reduced. It also disappears now if the Monk dies.
- Faith Healing and Mana Stone glow colors corrected.

- New objectives window added.
- New rotating tips text during observer mode.
- Players in observer mode now know if they are playing an Elimination Battle
- Skills percentages now show up in weapon chooser.
- When a portal is being attacked or repaired, the player now sees its HP and
- The server setup now allow up to 24 characters in the name.
- Players can see an ally's class as well his player name, over his head.
Purge    Purge     Purge     Purge      Purge      Purge      Purge      Purge    Purge     Purge     Purge      Purge      Purge      Purge      Purge    Purge     Purge     Purge      Purge      Purge      Purge     


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