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New World Order

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Разработчик Termite Games newworldorder.gif (13891 байтов)
Издатель Project Three Interactive
Жанр 3D Action
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European retail v1.1 patch 

New World Order by Termite Games - European retail v1.1 patch

Problems solved:
- Player skin problem fixed.
- Show dedicated servers always, even when empty.
- No sound of players equipping during game state receive.
- Domination mode for respawn game modifier added.
- Shooting teammates decreases your points.
- Flash bang active on dead played fixed.
- Weapon throw animation playback fixed.
- Added 'connection problems' icon display on screen when player is on a bad
- Speeded up ping-check of game servers.
- Adjusted server listing window to proper format.
- Added extra ranking points for each round - 300 for winning team, 150 for
- Fixed picking up weapons problem (multiple copies).
- 'Game state' receive progress bar added loading console.
- Fixed respawn game modifier.
- Fixed problem with joining a server.
- Improved networking and reduced latency.
- Fixed problem where hostages where reported as players in the server listing.
- Added command line switch to run dedicated LAN servers from a batch file.
- Fixed weapon switching to the Glock randomly.
- Speeded up/adjusted the joining networking sequence.
- Fixed match-time, to be set properly in the 'start server' menu.
- Fixed match-time problem where not all ranks where reset properly.
- Fixed problem where a grenade kill could go to the wrong player.
- Fixed issues with climbing ladders.
- Added back in - F1 to display frame rate and network stats.
New World Order     New World Order     New World Order                New World Order     New World Order     New World Order                New World Order     New World Order     New World Order                New World Order     New World Order     New World Order               

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