Navy SEALs by Jar Head Games - retail v1.02 patch
Options Added:
- Added Mouse Smoothing option into Options, Controls, Mouse. Smooths mouse
movement on different OS based systems.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed view model issue with the ATI Radeon 8500 Video Card.
- Fixed weapon model issues with the ATI Radeon 8500 Video Card.
- Fixed issues with AI in the first mission. (Note these changes may cause a
saved game in this mission to crash.)
- Removed a tank at the end of the Korean Airfield mission. (Note these changes
may cause a saved game in this mission to crash.)
Download and apply the patch:
1. Download the patch from this site.
2. Save NSv102.exe to a location you will remember such as your Desktop, or My
Documents folder.
3. Double-click on nsv102.exe.
4. Click Unzip.
You will know if the patch has installed when you open the game and see v.1.02
in the lower left corner of the screen.