улучшений в области
интеллекта, графики,
геймплея, сетевого кода,
апдейт делает игру
совместимой с только что
вышедшим аддоном Island
Ghost Recon by Red Storm - English retail v1.3 patch
If you have any problems with this patch, please contact Ubi Soft Technical
Support at http://support.ubi.com
Thanks for purchasing Ghost Recon. This patch was created to address problems
experienced by and concerns voiced by the Ghost Recon community. We've worked
to improve the Ghost Recon multiplayer and single player experience while still
maintaining the realism and gameplay that is our hallmark.
You must install the same language version of the patch as your copy of Ghost
Recon -- users with the English language version of Ghost Recon must install
the English patch, users with the French language version must install the
French patch, etc. Once this patch is installed, your Ghost Recon will no
longer be compatible with earlier versions.
**** WARNING ****
Replay files from a previous version of Ghost Recon will no longer work once
the patch is installed. However, saved campaigns and other settings WILL work
without problems after patching.
Enjoy Ghost Recon and we'll see you online.
-The Ghost Recon Team
NOTE: Replay files from a previous version of Ghost Recon will no longer work
once a mission pack or patch is installed. However, saved campaigns and other
settings WILL continue to work normally.
Version 1.3
- New command map quick view modes, N and M by default
- Replay playback speed controlled with +/-, pause/unpause with P
- Headshots should kill more reliably
- Changing to or from underbarrel weapon is instantaneous
- Added reticule impulse when switching to a firearm
- Binoculars are now standard equipment, L key by default
- Added UI for Software Sound option
- Multiplayer kits now available in quick mission
- Improvements to the loading screen
- Can change your actor names in a campaign
- Campaign kit assignments are now properly remembered
- No longer leave crawling sounds behind when stand up during crawl
- Confirmation dialogs added on End Mission and Quit
- Increasing mod priority in options maintains selection
- Now get 4 stat points in quickmission game types
- Improved quickmission screen layout
- Map selection now preserved across game type change when possible
- Fixes for prone collision & camera placement
- Fix for walking backwards through some walls
- Fix for reducing grenade roll time
- Now setting initial ROF whenever you switch who you control
- Fixes to weapon fire messaging for more accurate bullet count and effects
- Dead guys no longer make enemies appear on the map
- Fixed issues associated with going prone on stairs
- Kit index now resets when changing class in setup
- Added option to toggle off threat indicator in single player
- Level up/down keys for command map are now remappable
- Maximum wounds is now properly determined by stamina
- Shots that do no damage due to armor now cause a visible reaction
- Reworked footstep sounds
- Improved load time for some maps
- Platoon setup screen no longer loses data when returning from Options
- Leg wound limping motion removed
- Leaderboard is available in coop game types
- Fixed stability and performance issues in the after action
- Show dead bodies option cannot be changed in the action
- Stationary gun hits are now counted in stats
- General improvements to sound emitters and shell music playback
- Action UI scales with resolution, options for HUD and command map
- Motion popping bug fixed
- Additional motion improvements and fixes
- Action icons no longer remain after quickload
- Command map now shows dead with non-blended icon
- Command map now shows look direction not torso facing
- Vertical placement of smoke effect on game type zones is now correct
- Dust/sand effect behind vehicles
- Particle effects involving alpha blend optimized
- High LOD shadow implementation optimized
- Night vision no longer reduces effect of fog
- Threat indicator waypoint tick will now flash on changes
- Added grenade throwing and door opening reticules
- Primary weapons now attach to characters when not in use
- Main tank gun firing effects fixed
- Command map displays are now bilinear filtered
- General AI improvements, including more enemy cooperation
- AI can now strafe around corners
- AIs will drop grenades if shot while in the action of throwing
- Improvements to AI suppression
- Improved memory management in AI
- AIs now detect dead friendly bodies more reliably
- Bug fix for some AI running during a replay
- Enemies may play taunt sound cues when they have you suppressed
- Improved sound propagation for interior spaces
- AIs now acknowledge and react to non-wounding shots
- Campaign file editor added
- Kit restriction file editor added
- Actor and vehicle counts displayed in Igor
- Briefing sound file now specified in Igor
- Added new scripting triggers, responses, and queries
- IP banning added
- Server option to disallow voting
- Vote hijacking bug fixed
- Chat during respawn bug fixed
- Multiplayer bases are assigned by company color
- Leaderboard display bugs fixed
- Server setup screen reworked
- New after action timeout option
- Tweaks to the join screen
- Dropped player loses respawns - prevents "ai cannot respawn"
- Motions preloaded on startup to avoid slow starts by new clients
- Replays can be saved on dedicated server
- Improvements to the multiplayer after action screen
- Zone marker smoke effects dynamically change color with team ownership
- Optional chat beep notification
- Game status now announced as Debrief when in AAR
- Max and min respawn times added as server options
- Option for limited invulnerability after respawn (cannot do damage while
- Waiting screen improvements
- Ping indicators in multiplayer pregame
- Warning is sent when setting infinite respawn without time limit
- Doors and glass reset properly for rematches
- Fix to make sure temp directory is always created before trying to write to
- Ready indicators in multiplayer lobby
- Disabled name changing while connected to server
- List of active mods is dumped to chat log on join
- Company color assignments persist across mode changes
- Various fixes for receiving bad gunshot messages
- Fixed a multiplayer crash in observer mode
- Fixed a client crash when exiting a server from the action phase
- Kit restriction files are now additive across mods
- Vehicle turrets generate much less network traffic
- Dead or observing players can now see all after action chat
- Improved clock management for better interpolation
- Fixed grenades bouncing off glass on clients
- Request eject button is now correctly enabled after a rematch
- Fixed kit restriction bugs involving different restrictions per platoon
- Redundant kits removed from No Explosives kit restriction
- Added No Sensors kit restriction
- Some additional cheat prevention measures
- Rocket launcher is now visible on character when not in use
- Removed limit on number of campaign state files
- Added support for mapping additional mouse buttons
- Increased tolerance of reticule IFF rollover
- Tuned ai investigation behavior
- Prone ais will no longer attempt to switch to rocket launcher
- Input mapping fix to avoid getting stuck in command map mode
- Decorations are no longer lost when viewing a replay in campaign after action
- Auto-assignment of combat points now always assigns all points possible
- Fixed a crash when trying to view a replay with none selected
- Fixed a listing error when deleting replays
- Fixed a problem with the simulation not registering a fired burst
- Added a check to prevent the game from losing mouse focus
- Changed the naming convention for screenshot files
- Tweaked the binoculars animation to line up with the character's head
- Cosmetic improvement to the model for the m16m203
- Slight improvements to several textures, including groundcover, spotlight,
vehicle shadow, and handheld objects
- Added team male voice 3
- Software sound option added for legacy hardware (must set SoundInSoftware to
TRUE in options.xml)
- Shell music playback reworked
- Sound effect positioning corrected
- Heavy wind sound now dies down in buildings
- Many sound effects tweaked
- Sound propagation through portals improved
- Updated vehicle and footstep sound generation
- Now interoperable with the Desert Siege mission pack (can join DS servers
created with the 'mp1' mod inactive)
- Added a leaderboard, accessed with B by default, which displays scoring
information and time remaining
- Multiplayer uniforms are now assigned per company, not per platoon
- In team respawn games, players now respawn at one of three zones near their
starting bases
- Respawn in solo games is now less likely to place players near enemies
- Improvements to multiplayer stability, especially in high lag
- Rematch feature added to allow server to re-launch the game quickly with the
back button in the after action screen if no new players are waiting
- Added HTML stat generation to after action (missionstats.htm)
- Added class-based combat stats to the multiplayer actors
- Shell characters now hold non-firearm items properly
- Ownership of the central zone is indicated by company color on the command
map in team hamburger hill
- Coop mission failure due to insufficient demo charges or rockets now accounts
for respawns and arcade mode
- Removed the unnecessary reset of the multiplayer briefing that interrupted
- Added the -serverscript command line option to specify a server configuration
- Fix for inability to launch multiplayer game after server aborted during
previous launch
- Improved vehicle state updates in multiplayer and replays
- Prevented rare situation resulting in the appearance of unlimited ammo in
team and solo multiplayer games
- Vehicle headlights now appear properly on clients
- Fixed the display of map/mission name in the multiplayer briefing tab
- Fixed loophole allowing certain cheat codes to be active in multiplayer
- Fixed server crash involving shooting sensors in a respawn game
- Fixed a cheat involving peeking
- Fixed a cheat involving the perform action button
- Fixed client drops due to an unreliable system clock
- Geometry cheats removed from M14 Mountain
- Added support for shotguns
- Improved mod support for new strings, sounds, and shell graphics
- Added ability to specify character attachment models
- Added character scaling
- Can now specify initial stat points for campaigns
- Armor values, when specified in the combat model, are now handled properly
- Added support for multiple unlocked hero sets
- Fixed memory leak related to modding kit restrictions
- Multiplayer actor files are now properly updated when mods are active
- Can no longer create multiple campaign states with the same name
- Kits can now be properly overridden through the mods system
- Mods settings should now always revert to defaults if the mods settings file
is not found
- Active mods display code rewritten to avoid rare shell crash bug
- The SoundVol editor has improved mod support
- Command map zone color can now be set through scripting
- Company colors can be queried through scripting
- Corrected the display of circular zones on the command map
- Campaign outro movies can now be specified in scripting
* Overall game performance has been increased through the elimination of a
number of memory leaks.
* Fixed a bug that could cause popping sounds on some Sound Blaster cards.
* UI menu text is no longer distorted on computers with Voodoo 3 graphic cards.
* Added the "Mipmap Textures" setting to the Graphics Options screen. Enabling
this setting may increase the visual quality of the game and remove the
"sparkle" effect at the expense of some texture memory and some blurring of the
scene. You may have to turn down other graphics settings to compensate for the
video memory consumed by enabling mipmapping.
* Improved compatibility with the Game Theater XP sound card.
* A "software only" option has been added to the Sound section of the
options.xml file (located in the same directory as the game executable).
Enabling this option will eliminate some stability issues with certain older
sound cards such as Aureal Vortex and Montego Bay. To do this, perform the
following steps.
1. Open the options.xml file (located in the Ghost Recon folder) with Notepad
or a similar text editor.
2. In options.xml, locate the setting.
3. Edit this setting to read TRUE instead of FALSE.
4. Save the file and launch Ghost Recon.
* Made a number of map fixes to eliminate geometry holes and potential
multiplayer exploits.
* Eliminated a potential exploit caused by an ability to "peek" through some
walls and objects under certain circumstances.
* Enemy AI no longer automatically knows your location when you detonate a
* Viewing only part of a replay will no longer keep that mission's specialist
from being unlocked.
* The vehicle destroyed by the airstrike in mission 8 now shows up as "out of
action" on the command map.
* Mouse sensitivity has been decreased when zoomed in to make sniping easier.
* The reticle now expands more slowly when the player turns around.
* Binocular zoom has been increased to 10x.
* Sensor range has been increased from 30 meters to 40 meters. (See page 30 of
the Ghost Recon manual.)
* Improved the accuracy of the Threat Indicator. (See pg. 32 of the Ghost Recon
* Pathfinding through forested terrains has been improved.
* An "Always Run" option has been added to the Gameplay Options screen.
Enabling this will cause your character to always run when moving except for
when the second mouse button is held down, which will cause the character to
* An "Initial Rate of Fire" option has been added to the Gameplay Options
screen. This lets you set your default rate of fire to single, burst, or full
* A "Load Last Save" button has been added to the After Action screen to allow
the user to load the most recent saved game point.
* The "Next Selective" function in the Input Options screen has been renamed
"Rate of Fire" to better reflect its purpose.
* The MP5SD weapon information has been changed to reduce its lethality at
longer ranges.
* The L96A1 weapon information has been changed to increase its lethality at
longer ranges.
* A message will now alert the user if a specialist has been unlocked after
completing a mission. (See pg. 51 of the Ghost Recon manual.)
* The mission name is now displayed for a few seconds in the upper-left corner
of the screen after the mission is launched.
* The "Toggle Command Map" function can now be bound to any key.
* Improved multi-monitor support.
* Added range-based error to enemy AI's firing to make their accuracy more
* AI characters are now more "intelligent" when running for cover.
* Enemy AI will use grenades for suppression more often.
* Friendly AI will now behave more intelligently when they are fired upon.
* AI teammates will no longer stand up when their Rules of Engagement are set
to assault or suppress. (See pg. 35 of the Ghost Recon manual for more info on
the Rules of Engagement.)
* AI teammates will remain focused on their player-assigned cover arc instead
of looking around.
* When you switch out of a team that you've issued the "hold" command to, they
will stay in place and not run for cover.
* Friendly AI wingmen will no longer walk into the line of fire when your
player is strafing sideways past cover.
* The Ghost Recon game editor, Igor, has been fixed so that active mod settings
are not lost when leaving the mods dialog.
* Fixed a crash that could occur when a client tried to join a game where the
server had an activated mod that was on the client but not active.
* When activating or deactivating a mod, the highlighted mod will now be
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