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К игре
Вокруг игр
Разработчик Digitalo Studios

devastation.gif (37667 байтов)

Издатель ARUSH Entertainment (and Groove Games)
Жанр 3D Action
Похожие игры  
Дата выхода Ориентировочно на март 2003 (Mach 2003)

Патч Multiplayer demo v 168 to v 169

Скачать (Download)




2.67 Mb


Patch  Multiplayer demo v368 to v369 performance fix

ARUSH Entertainment, Groove Games and Digitalo have just released a performance
fix for the Devastation Multiplayer Demo. This is a performance fix and not a
full patch. This performance fix addresses specific problems that may cause
players to experience extreme frame rate loss and connection lags even when
running a local LAN game.

A full patch will be released sometime in the coming weeks. It will fix many of
the other problems that have been reported on the DevastationGame.com Forums
like server browser issues, miscellaneous gameplay issues, physics, and even
audio problems.

NOTE: The issue that caused the poor performance is NOT an issue in the retail
version of the game. It only appeared in the demo.

The 3 MB fix can be download from this site. Simply run the .exe, point it to
your Dev MP install folder and install it. Your demo version will be version
369 and you will be ready to play!
Devastation      Devastation      Devastation      Devastation      Devastation      Devastation      Devastation      Devastation      Devastation      Devastation      Devastation      Devastation     


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