This is a first beta of the Linux client for Devastation.
To use:
1) Get the retail CD.
2) Install it on Windows (yuck!)
3) Patch the game to version 381.
4) Copy the installed game to your Linux or FreeBSD-with-Linux-emulation box.
5) Unpack this archive in the game's System directory.
6) Run "echo XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX > cdkey" in the game's System
directory, where all those Xs are your valid CD key. CASE IS IMPORTANT.
7) Run "./devastation-bin" from the game's System directory.
Hopefully we'll have an installer for this that doesn't require Windows
before the end of the beta.
Please report bugs to
Discussion goes to the mailing list: blank email to to get on the list. You must be
subscribed to post to the list.
List archives:
If you just want to host a server and not actually play the game, there is
a separate dedicated server available, which does not need the game discs.
That is not this package. Check for
download details (there is a separate server admin mailing list, too).
Please do not send bug reports to my inbox. Use bugzilla.