in v1.04f:
* Added autopatching ability via
* Added the Pillage ability to Armies
* Added confirmation message for
building outposts on top of colonies.
* Added ability to airlift to and from
* Added ability to airdrop from
* Added confirmation message for
building airfields on top of colonies.
in v1.04f:
* Removed Explore action from
Cruise Missiles.
Fixes in v1.04f:
* Fixed several Multiplayer stability
* Fixed bug with being unable to
contact players who have used the espionage
* Fixed bug that caused players to win
when they, in fact, lost.
* Fixed bug with draft button not
updating in MP.
* Fixed memory leak with advisor
* Fixed crash with advisor screens.
* Fixed bug with multiple advisor
screens being open.
* Fixed bug with era not advancing.
* Fixed crash on replay screen.
* Fixed bug with goody huts not
redrawing properly in some cases
* Fixed bug that caused starting
locations in scenarios to be incorrect
* Fixed bug that caused civilopedia
entries to be incorrect on the espionage
* Fixed bug that caused cities with air
units to be unable to be captured in
* Fixed bug that caused air units to
not be destroyed if they are not in a city.
* Fixed bug that caused Play-By-Email
mode to not function.
* Fixed bug that caused barbarians to
receive victory points.
* Fixed typo in password popup.
* Fixed redraw bug that occurred after
capturing/destroying airfields, towers,
outposts, and colonies.
* Editor: Fixed bug causing invalid
prerequisites after changing a tech's era
* Editor: Fixed bug causing commas to
be added to some fields on the tech property
* Editor: Fixed bug causing non-numeric
characters to be allowed to be entered on
the terrain property page
* Editor: Fixed bug that caused tech
rate to have a comma in it