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Command & Conquer Renegade

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Разработчик Westwood banner_ren_logo.jpg (7397 байтов)
Издатель Westwood
Жанр RTS
Похожие игры Srar Craft

Патч / 1.035 English version

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22.84 Mb


Patch версия 1.035 English

Command & Conquer Renegade by Westwood - English retail v1.035 patch

Version 1.035 changes (10-31-2002)
- Users Sitting idle at team selection screen for too long will now be kicked.
- Being kicked three times in a row results in a ban(WOL mode).
- New 'allow' console command to remove a WOL ban.
- Map rotation limit now set to 100.
- Added new flying multiplayer map Glacier.
- Servers running maps that the client doesn't have now show up in the game

Version 1.034 changes (09-09-2002)
- Fixed bug causing mod data to be used when the user played a single-player
game after playing a multiplayer mod game
- The edit_vehicle command now only works in single-play or 1-player
multiplayer games.
- Fixed the superweapon->quit exploit
- Mods now support editing of armor.ini, strings.tdb
- Buildings can be made of tiles in addition to terrain
- Added the "edit_vehicle" console command for physics tweaking

- FDS Console logging to disk.
- FDS Changes to player list format. If you have a program that parses the
player list, you will need to change it to work with this build.
- Ban works in WOL mode.
- FDS Fix for can't create channel bug.
- FDS Fix for servers losing connection to Westwood Online without realizing
- FDS Fix for crash caused by receiving a page while in Westwood Online mode.
- FDS Ability to reply to a page (can’t page more than once per second).

Version 1.033 changes (07-22-2002)

- No details available.

Version 1.032 changes (07-09-2002)

- Fixed bug causing mod data to be used when the user played a single-player
game after playing a multiplayer mod game
- The edit_vehicle command now only works in single-play or 1-player
multiplayer games.

Version 1.031 changes (06-25-2002)

- fixed the superweapon->quit exploit
- mods now support editing of armor.ini, strings.tdb
- mods now load scripts.dll from PKG file
- buildings can be made of tiles in addition to terrain
- added the "edit_vehicle" console command for physics tweaking

Version 1.030 changes (04-15-2002)

- Two maps and flying vehicles have been added to the game. Flying units are
only available on the maps that support flying vehicles: walls air and city

Flying vehicle controls
- Jump to go up: default is (Spacebar)
- Crouch to move down: default is (c)
- Hold down Ctrl key while pressing (a) or (d) to strafe

- Fixed a bug where the harvester lost its pathfinding information and could be
found driving into walls.
- Fixed a problem with flickering meshes on ATI cards.
- Fixed a number of chat bugs on Westwood online.
- Added support for the mod community.
- Multiplay hosting: The host can now choose a Mod package as the multiplayer
game. Note that you cannot host a laddered game using a Mod package.
- Includes several performance enhancements that should remove occasional
stuttering and pauses.
- Added support to hosting via GameSpy. The host now has the ability to kick,
ban and set up passworded games. At console type "kick" or "ban" followed by
their nickname.

Version 1.015 changes (03-01-2002)

- Minor updates to firewall negotiation queuing. This was preventing players
joining games in some situations (usually when many players were trying to join
at once, or when many players hit the abort button on this dialog).
- Minor updates to low-level packet handling which were causing server
instability when unexpected traffic appeared on the game port.
- LAN hosting is now allowed on routable IP addresses.
- Cosmetic fix to game list control which was displaying multiple selected
games when the list was refreshed in some cases.

Version 1.014 changes (02-28-2002)

- Addresses some lag issues and a few other things.

Version 1.012 changes (02-26-2002)
New Key Assignment
- "Q" assigned to "Vehicle Gunner" toggle. This key adds the ability for each
user to set whether or not they allow someone else to be the gunner of their
vehicle. For this new key configuration setting to work you must erase the
CONFIG directory under the DATA directory and restart the game.

Single Player
- REMINDER!!! The <F6> function key is assigned to the Quicksave function.
- Bug: Fixed where you could delete level files from the load game menu.

- Multiplayer balance tweaking.
- Improved Obelisk targeting.
- Added GAMESPY support.
- Added new "version mismatch error" display when trying to join a game server
with a different version via GAMESPY.
- Bug: Fixed the price of a <Beacon> being doubled in certain circumstances. 
The price will never be doubled.
- Bug: Fixed the first person hands of a non-stealth soldier appearing to be
stealthed under certain circumstances.
- Bug: Fixed cost doubling not reflected properly when power plant is
destroyed, after quitting and restarting a game.
- Bug: Fixed the case where being shot while crouching and placing a beacon
would stop you from re-spawning.
- Bug: Fixed bug which allowed manipulating the hosting options to generate
illegal combinations.
- Bug: Fixed the situation where you destroy the airstrip while a vehicle is
being delivered and the vehicle would be invisible.
- Additional minor bug fixes.
- Clan rankings are updated for buddies when "Refresh" is clicked.
- Various additional <Clan and Ladder> modifications and bug fixes.
- Various <Chat> modifications and bug fixes.
- Various <Dedicated Server> modifications and bug fixes.
Command & Conquer Renegade   Command & Conquer Renegade   Command & Conquer Renegade   Command & Conquer Renegade   Command & Conquer Renegade   Command & Conquer Renegade   Command & Conquer Renegade   Command & Conquer Renegade   Command & Conquer Renegade   Command & Conquer Renegade   Command & Conquer Renegade   Command & Conquer Renegade  


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